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A one-day kayaking trip in Leivonmäki National Park
P&H Scorpio Lv Evällä LV
P&H Scorpio MV Evällä
Point 65 Club Jack
Dagger Stratos 12.5
Dag Tiwok
Star Duo-kaksikko
€119.00 / d
Price includes 1 person.


Versona Outdoor Shoptimo@versona.fi0443456107Company id:2785419-6Merchant terms

A one-day kayaking trip in Leivonmäki National Park

A one-day kayaking trip in Leivonmäki National Park is an experiential moment in the wonderful, versatile nature of the national park where we get to know different parts of the lake. The starting point is near the Selänpohja parking lot. At first, we pack the kayaks together for the trip, we start at around 3 pm for the trip. We will first get to know the Sorsanselä area, the wonderful sandy beaches, and perhaps stop for a stroll in Joutsniemi. We continue our journey through the so-called Admiring the island chains and cottage beaches of Keskisenvesi, arriving at the Salmela channel. We paddle through the channel and we arrive at Franskalainen, or Rutjärvi's biggest ridge. According to the preliminary plan, we will paddle towards Niinisaari, we will set up camp in Niinisaari or nearby (here is a shed and a fire place).

After the camp is set up, there is an opportunity for a few hours of evening kayaking, or just relaxing in the camp or, for example, fishing.

The next morning we get to know the northern parts of Franskalainen and head back towards Sorsanselkä and Selänpohja via Niinisaari. We'll be back around 3 p.m.

There are places for 9 people on the trip and five different single kayaks, one double and one Indian canoe are available. If you choose a kayak duo or an Indian canoe, book them for two people.

Departure from Selänpohja shed at 15:00. Return the next day at 15:00.

It would be good for the participants of the excursion to have experience in paddling or otherwise demonstrated knowledge and paddling fitness.

The price of the trip includes:

-          kayak or canoe (place)

-          a paddle

-          Paddling bra

-          hatch cover for kayak

-          guide services

-          information about the nature of the national park

-          national park fee

Additional price for tents and other camping equipment!

If you want a specific kayak for yourself, you can check the descriptions of the kayaks in the rental menu. During the excursion, there is an opportunity to test several kayaks.